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Congratulations to Xinze Wang, Guohua Yin, and Yifei Zhu at Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute for winning the second-place prize in the Efabless AI Generated Design Contest!

Welcome to the Q&A with Cyberrio by Xinze Wang, Guohua Yin, and Yifei Zhu. The team will be discussing the RISC-V CPU design, implemented with Verilog code produced via a series of prompts given to ChatGPT-4.

Describe your project?

A RISC-V core written in synthesizable Verilog that supports the RV32I unprivileged ISA and parts of the privileged ISA.

Design Type Pipeline stage Features Benchmark Cells
Cyberrio CPU core 5 RV32I M-mode RISC-V ISA Test ~9700

What was your goal and/or why did you choose this design?

I hope to be able to complete a CPU by using GPT-4 and as few prompts as possible. There are a lot of handshake information and parallel logic in the CPU.

The GDS of core


How did you implement your project? What challenges did you run into and what did you learn?

Initially, I set up a robust validation environment, then individually generated and validated each module using GPT-4. If issues arose, I attempted to rectify them with GPT-4, starting with simple prompts and gradually introducing more complex ones until the validation environment ran smoothly. However, GPT-4's capabilities in hardware programming significantly trail behind those in software. For concurrency and handshakes, you must provide exhaustive instructions; otherwise, it won't complete the task. Besides, the output often comes with syntax and logic issues, requiring manual inspection. GPT-4 doesn't have a firm grasp on certain detailed knowledge either, which might call for the integration of Langchain to build a knowledge base for operation.

How would you extend your project or what would you do next time?

I think that on the one hand, I may choose open source GPT models such as Llama or Bloom to try. At the same time, I will try to train these models to enhance the ability of hardware languages. On the other hand, I will try to combine Langchain to build a knowledge base and build an API on the server side. Automatically capture operational feedback, making it easier for humans to generate a design.


Xinze Wang

Xinze Wang, a master student at the RIOS Lab, Tsinghua University, is specializing in RISC-V and OpenEDA research, while simultaneously exploring additional learning avenues in the areas of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Web3.


Guohua Yin

Guohua Yin, a master's student at Tsinghua University, conducts scientific research in RIOS Lab,TBSI. His research focuses on: EDA, computer architecture and security. The intelligent EDA flow and open RISC-V are his pursuits.


Yifei Zhu

Yifei Zhu, a bachelor-straight-to-doctorate student of the RIOS Lab, Tsinghua University and advised by Dr. David A. Patterson and Dr. Zhangxi Tan. Her research interests include computer architecture design and EDA implementation assisted by machine learning.