- Symprobe can save current traces & calculations in a view.ppw file (in same dir as the raw file).
- Next open of a raw file in the same dir, from electric (or from a terminal using symprobe’s -c option), loads view.ppw to do the same traces & calculations.
- Exploit this to reuse calculations, both for the same raw file after another simulation, as well as other raw files (from other corners) in the same dir.
In a symprobe window with your traces & calculations added, to write the view.ppw first click menu item View – DisplayControl:
Next in the DisplayControl form click “Save Current View to Disk“:
Using the ef_examples/test_inv.sch as an example, in electric’s toolbar a click of the “Sim” button will run the corners wp and ws.
In the toolbar a click of the waveform button launches symprobe on the test_inv_wp.raw file, loading a view.ppw (after you have saved one).
From a terminal in your ~/design/<projectName>/ngspice/run/test_inv/ directory, type the following to launch symprobe on the other ws corner result, loading the same view.ppw file:
symprobe -c test_inv_ws.raw
Note: Opening additional raw file windows from one symprobe window, using menu File/Open does not use the -c option, so does not load the view.ppw.